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It is one of the best strategy video games; it is a pioneering game in the genre of god simulation games. It was developed by Bullfrog Productions, released for various platforms such as PC, Amiga, or Sega Genesis, and published by Electronic Arts in 1990. (Bigwood, 2023) In this game, you transform into a god who has to direct his own civilisation with divine interventions in order to destroy the faithful of other gods. (Populous Review From Your Amiga (Jul 1989) – Amiga Magazine Rack, n.d.)

Source: stroudtimes.com

There are two types of actions to develop: the construction of buildings for villagers and their recruitment. This game is a pioneer in not following a linear story, letting the player create their adventure as they progress. (News, n.d.) It was also one of the first games to use the isometric perspective and to have a multiplayer mode that allowed games between players using different systems, such as Friends and PC Engine.

In addition, the player can modify the terrain, send plagues or blessings, and face other rival gods. (Bigwood, 2023) The game has innovative graphics for its time and addictive gameplay. Create your own adventure and have fun!


Bigwood, M. (2023, March 27). Retro museum to host talk by pioneering 80s TV show artists Stroud Times. https://stroudtimes.com/retro-museum-to-host-talk-by-pioneering-80s-tv-show-artist/

Populous review from Your Amiga (July 1989)—Amiga Magazine Rack. (n.d.). https://amr.abime.net/review_4991

news. (n.d.). Game Developer. https://www.gamedeveloper.com/latest-news#close-modal

Populous images: Populous DS (2008) promotional image: MobyGames. (n.d.). MobyGames. https://www.mobygames.com/game

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