Guerra entre Israel y Gaza, en directo | La propuesta de Israel a Hamás incluye un alto el fuego de 40 días

Guerra entre Israel y Gaza, en directo | La propuesta de Israel a Hamás incluye un alto el fuego de 40 días

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza has once again escalated, with both sides exchanging airstrikes and rocket attacks. The latest development in this conflict is Israel’s proposal to Hamas, which includes a 40-day ceasefire. This article will explore the details of this proposal and its potential implications.

The Proposal

Israel’s proposal to Hamas suggests a 40-day ceasefire, during which both sides would halt all military activities. This ceasefire would allow for negotiations and discussions to take place, with the aim of reaching a long-term solution to the conflict.

The proposal also includes the lifting of certain restrictions on Gaza, such as the blockade that has been in place for years. This would allow for the free movement of goods and people, improving the living conditions of the people in Gaza.

Potential Implications

If Hamas agrees to the ceasefire proposal, it could lead to a temporary halt in the violence and provide an opportunity for dialogue. This could potentially pave the way for a more comprehensive peace agreement in the future.

However, there are concerns that a 40-day ceasefire may not be enough to address the underlying issues that have fueled the conflict for decades. The root causes of the conflict, such as land disputes and political disagreements, would still need to be addressed in order to achieve a lasting peace.

International Response

The international community has been closely monitoring the situation and has called for an immediate end to the violence. Various countries and organizations have expressed their support for a ceasefire and have offered to mediate between the two parties.

For example, the United Nations has urged both Israel and Hamas to exercise restraint and work towards a peaceful resolution. The European Union has also called for an end to the violence and has offered its assistance in facilitating negotiations.


The proposal of a 40-day ceasefire by Israel to Hamas is a significant development in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza. While it offers a temporary respite from the violence, it is important to address the root causes of the conflict in order to achieve a lasting peace.

The international community plays a crucial role in supporting and facilitating the peace process. By offering mediation and assistance, they can help create an environment conducive to dialogue and negotiation.

Ultimately, a comprehensive and sustainable solution to the conflict requires the willingness of both Israel and Hamas to engage in meaningful discussions and make necessary compromises. Only through dialogue and understanding can a lasting peace be achieved in the region.


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