Global Efforts to Eliminate Child Labour Intensify

Global Efforts to Eliminate Child Labour Intensify

Child labour is a pressing issue that affects millions of children worldwide. It deprives them of their childhood, education, and the opportunity to develop into productive adults. However, in recent years, there has been a significant increase in global efforts to eliminate child labour. Governments, international organizations, and civil society are working together to address this issue and create a better future for children around the world.

The Scale of the Problem

Child labour remains a widespread problem, with an estimated 152 million children engaged in various forms of work globally. These children are often subjected to hazardous conditions, long working hours, and low wages. The majority of child labourers are found in Africa, followed by Asia and the Pacific. Poverty, lack of access to education, and weak enforcement of child labour laws contribute to the persistence of this issue.

Government Initiatives

Many governments have recognized the urgency of addressing child labour and have taken steps to combat it. For example, in India, the government has implemented the “National Child Labour Project” to rescue and rehabilitate child labourers. This initiative provides education, vocational training, and financial support to children rescued from hazardous work environments.

In Brazil, the government has implemented the “Programa de Erradicação do Trabalho Infantil” (PETI), which aims to eradicate child labour through a combination of social assistance, education, and law enforcement. The program has been successful in reducing child labour rates in the country.

International Efforts

International organizations such as the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UNICEF play a crucial role in coordinating global efforts to eliminate child labour. The ILO’s “International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour” (IPEC) provides technical assistance and funding to countries to develop and implement strategies to combat child labour.

UNICEF focuses on addressing the root causes of child labour, such as poverty and lack of access to education. The organization works with governments and local communities to provide quality education, social protection, and support services to vulnerable children.

Success Stories

There have been notable success stories in the fight against child labour. For instance, in Bangladesh, the Ready-Made Garment (RMG) sector has made significant progress in eliminating child labour. Through collaboration between the government, international brands, and civil society organizations, child labour in the RMG sector has decreased by 94% since 2000.

In Côte d’Ivoire, the cocoa industry has also made strides in addressing child labour. The “Child Labor Monitoring and Remediation System” (CLMRS) implemented by cocoa companies has helped identify and remediate cases of child labour in cocoa farms. As a result, the prevalence of child labour in the cocoa sector has decreased by 45% since 2010.


The global efforts to eliminate child labour are gaining momentum, with governments, international organizations, and civil society working together to address this pressing issue. While progress has been made, there is still much work to be done. It is crucial for countries to strengthen their legislation, improve access to education, and address the root causes of child labour, such as poverty. By investing in the well-being and education of children, we can create a future where child labour is eradicated, and every child has the opportunity to thrive.


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