Ex-Scotland rugby captain Stuart Hogg reveals rehab has sparked ‘reset’

Ex-Scotland rugby captain Stuart Hogg reveals rehab has sparked ‘reset’

Stuart Hogg, the former captain of the Scotland national rugby team, recently opened up about his rehabilitation process and how it has sparked a “reset” in his career. The talented fullback suffered a shoulder injury during a match in 2020, which required surgery and a lengthy recovery period. In a recent interview, Hogg shared his experiences and the impact that rehab has had on his physical and mental well-being.

The Road to Recovery

Rehabilitation is an essential part of any athlete’s journey after sustaining an injury. For Hogg, the process involved not only physical therapy but also mental and emotional support. He worked closely with a team of experts, including physiotherapists, strength and conditioning coaches, and sports psychologists, to regain his strength and confidence.

During his rehabilitation, Hogg focused on building his strength and flexibility through targeted exercises and training programs. He also underwent regular physiotherapy sessions to aid in his recovery. The combination of physical therapy and mental support helped him overcome the challenges of his injury and regain his fitness.

A ‘Reset’ in Perspective

Hogg described his rehabilitation as a “reset” in his career. The enforced break from the game allowed him to reflect on his performance, identify areas for improvement, and set new goals for himself. He used the time to analyze his playing style, study his opponents, and develop new strategies to enhance his performance on the field.

Moreover, the mental and emotional support he received during rehab helped him develop resilience and a positive mindset. Hogg learned to embrace the challenges and setbacks that come with recovery, viewing them as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. This newfound perspective has had a profound impact on his overall well-being and performance.

The Importance of Rehabilitation

Hogg’s story highlights the crucial role that rehabilitation plays in an athlete’s career. It is not just about recovering physically; it is also about rebuilding mental strength, resilience, and confidence. Rehabilitation provides athletes with the tools and support they need to overcome setbacks and come back stronger than ever.

Rehabilitation also plays a significant role in injury prevention. By addressing any underlying weaknesses or imbalances, athletes can reduce the risk of future injuries. It allows them to identify and correct any movement patterns or habits that may contribute to injury, ensuring they can perform at their best while minimizing the risk of re-injury.


Stuart Hogg’s journey through rehabilitation serves as an inspiration to athletes and sports enthusiasts alike. His story emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to recovery, encompassing both physical and mental well-being. Rehabilitation not only helps athletes regain their physical fitness but also provides an opportunity for self-reflection, growth, and improvement.

By investing in rehabilitation, athletes can reset their careers, develop resilience, and enhance their performance. It is a vital component of any athlete’s journey, enabling them to overcome setbacks and reach new heights. As Stuart Hogg has shown, rehabilitation can be a transformative experience that leads to personal and professional growth.


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