Workout Warriors: The Top Exercise Tracks on Spotify in 2019

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When it comes to getting pumped up for a workout, music can be a game-changer. The right playlist can motivate you to push harder, run faster, and lift heavier. With Spotify being one of the most popular music streaming platforms, it’s no surprise that many fitness enthusiasts turn to it for their workout tunes. In 2019, several tracks emerged as favourites among gym-goers and athletes. Let’s take a closer look at some of the top exercise tracks on Spotify from that year.

1. “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor

One of the ultimate workout anthems, “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor continues to be a go-to track for many fitness enthusiasts. With its powerful lyrics and driving beat, this song is perfect for getting you in the zone during a tough workout session.

2. “Stronger” by Kanye West

Kanye West’s “Stronger” is another popular choice for gym playlists. The song’s energetic vibe and empowering lyrics make it a favourite among those looking to push themselves to the limit.

3. “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” by Justin Timberlake

For those who prefer a more upbeat and pop-inspired workout soundtrack, “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” by Justin Timberlake is a top pick. Its catchy tune and feel-good lyrics can help keep you motivated throughout your workout.

4. “Lose Yourself” by Eminem

Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” is a classic workout track that never fails to get hearts racing. The song’s intense energy and motivational message make it a staple in many gym playlists.

5. “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars

With its funky groove and infectious rhythm, “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars is a popular choice for those looking to add some fun to their workout routine. The song’s high energy levels can help you power through even the toughest of workouts.

Music has the power to elevate your workout experience and keep you motivated throughout. The top exercise tracks on Spotify in 2019, such as “Eye of the Tiger,” “Stronger,” “Can’t Stop the Feeling!,” “Lose Yourself,” and “Uptown Funk,” have proven to be favourites among fitness enthusiasts. Whether you’re hitting the gym, going for a run, or doing a home workout, these tracks can help you stay focused and energised. So, next time you’re gearing up for a workout, consider adding these songs to your playlist for an extra boost of motivation.


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