Billy Vunipola Tasered Twice During Arrest at Weekend in Spanish Bar

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Professional rugby player Billy Vunipola made headlines this weekend after being tasered twice during an arrest at a Spanish bar. The 28-year-old England and Saracens player was on holiday in Ibiza when the incident occurred. According to reports, Vunipola was involved in a physical altercation with security guards at the bar, leading to his arrest and subsequent use of a taser by the Spanish police.

The Incident

The incident took place on Saturday night at a popular bar in Ibiza. Witnesses reported that Vunipola was heavily intoxicated and causing a disturbance at the bar. When security guards attempted to intervene, Vunipola allegedly became aggressive and a physical altercation ensued. The Spanish police were called to the scene and attempted to calm the situation, but Vunipola continued to resist arrest.

Photograph: Asa/GC/

According to reports, the police used a taser on Vunipola twice before he was finally subdued and taken into custody. He was later released on bail and is expected to appear in court in the coming weeks.

Reaction from the Rugby Community

The news of Vunipola’s arrest and use of a taser has sparked a strong reaction from the rugby community. Many have expressed shock and disappointment at the behaviour of the usually well-respected player.

Former England captain and World Cup winner Lawrence Dallaglio said, “It’s a real shame to see a player of Billy’s caliber involved in such an incident. As professional athletes, we have a responsibility to conduct ourselves in a certain way, both on and off the field.”

Saracens director of rugby Mark McCall also commented on the incident, saying, “We are aware of the incident involving Billy Vunipola in Ibiza. We are currently gathering all the relevant information and will be making no further comment at this time.”

Previous Incidents Involving Vunipola

This is not the first time that Vunipola has been involved in a controversial incident. In 2019, he received a formal warning from the Rugby Football Union (RFU) for showing support for Australian rugby player Israel Folau, who had made homophobic comments on social media. Vunipola was also booed by fans during the 2019 Six Nations tournament for his support of Folau.

In 2018, Vunipola was also reprimanded by the RFU for making a homophobic comment during a match. He later apologised for his actions and was given a formal warning.

The Use of Tasers in Law Enforcement

The use of tasers by law enforcement has been a controversial topic in recent years. Tasers, also known as stun guns, are electroshock weapons that use electrical current to disrupt muscle control and temporarily incapacitate a person. They are often used as a non-lethal alternative to firearms.

While tasers are intended to be a less harmful form of force, there have been numerous cases of misuse and abuse by law enforcement. In 2019, a study by the American Civil Liberties Union found that at least 1,081 people have died in the United States after being tasered by police since 2000.

The use of tasers has also been criticised for disproportionately affecting marginalised communities, including people of color and those with mental health issues. In 2015, a study by Amnesty International found that 90% of the people who died after being tasered by police in the United States were unarmed.

The incident involving Billy Vunipola has once again brought attention to the use of tasers in law enforcement and the responsibility of professional athletes to conduct themselves appropriately. While the full details of the incident are still emerging, it serves as a reminder that even those in the public eye are not immune to the consequences of their actions.

As for Vunipola, this incident may have a lasting impact on his career and reputation. It is a reminder that professional athletes are not just role models on the field, but also off the field, and must be held accountable for their actions.

Let this be a lesson to all, that no matter who you are, it is important to always conduct yourself with respect and responsibility, both in your personal and professional life.


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