Recap: British Society in 2020

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Recap: British Society in 2020

Recap: British Society in 2020

Recap: British Society in 2020

As we reflect on the events and trends that shaped British society in 2020, it becomes evident that it was a year of significant challenges and changes. From the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to social movements and political developments, the year brought about a range of shifts in the fabric of British society.

The COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on British society in 2020. Lockdown measures, social distancing guidelines, and economic disruptions changed the way people lived and interacted. The healthcare system faced unprecedented challenges, and the government implemented various support schemes to mitigate the impact on businesses and individuals.

  • Over 70,000 deaths were attributed to COVID-19 in the UK in 2020.
  • Remote working became the norm for many professionals, leading to changes in work-life balance.

Social Movements

2020 also saw the rise of social movements that addressed issues of racial inequality, police brutality, and systemic racism. The Black Lives Matter movement gained momentum in the UK, sparking conversations about race and discrimination in British society.

  • Protests took place across the country, calling for justice and equality.
  • Statues of controversial historical figures were removed or vandalised, prompting debates about the UK’s colonial past.

Political Developments

From Brexit negotiations to the general election, political developments in 2020 shaped the future of British society. The UK officially left the European Union, leading to changes in trade agreements and regulations. The government faced criticism and scrutiny over its handling of the pandemic and economic recovery.

  • The UK and EU reached a trade deal in December 2020, outlining their future relationship.
  • The Labour Party elected a new leader, Keir Starmer, who aimed to rebuild the party’s image and policies.


In conclusion, British society in 2020 experienced a series of challenges and changes that will have lasting effects on the country’s future. The COVID-19 pandemic, social movements, and political developments all played a role in shaping the year. As we move forward, it is essential to reflect on these events and consider how they will impact the social, economic, and political landscape of the UK.


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