Role of the Military in Venezuelan Politics: Influence and Allegiances

The Role of the Military in Venezuelan Politics: Influence and Allegiances

Venezuela has a long history of military involvement in politics, with the armed forces playing a significant role in shaping the country’s political landscape. The military has often been seen as a key player in Venezuelan politics, with its influence extending beyond just national security matters. In this article, we will explore the role of the military in Venezuelan politics, examining its influence and allegiances.

Historical Context

Since the early 20th century, the Venezuelan military has been actively involved in politics, often intervening in civilian affairs. One of the most notable instances of military involvement was the rise of Hugo Chávez, a former military officer who led a failed coup in 1992 before being elected president in 1998. Chávez’s presidency marked a significant shift in Venezuelan politics, with the military playing a central role in his government.

Influence of the Military

The Venezuelan military wields significant influence in the country, with key positions in government and the economy often held by military officials. The military has been involved in various aspects of governance, from overseeing infrastructure projects to managing state-owned enterprises. This influence has allowed the military to shape policy decisions and maintain a strong presence in Venezuelan society.

Control of Resources

  • The military controls key sectors of the economy, including oil production and distribution.
  • Control over resources gives the military significant leverage in political decision-making.

Political Power

  • Military officials hold key positions in government, influencing policy decisions.
  • The military has been instrumental in maintaining the current government’s grip on power.

Allegiances of the Military

While the military has historically been aligned with the government, recent developments have shown signs of division within the armed forces. In 2019, opposition leader Juan Guaidó declared himself interim president, with the support of some military officials. This move highlighted the fractures within the military and raised questions about its allegiances.

Divisions within the Military

  • Some military officials have expressed support for the opposition, while others remain loyal to the government.
  • These divisions have created uncertainty about the military’s role in Venezuelan politics.

International Influence

  • External actors, such as Russia and China, have also played a role in shaping the military’s allegiances.
  • Foreign support has further complicated the military’s position in Venezuelan politics.


The military’s role in Venezuelan politics is complex and multifaceted, with its influence extending beyond just national security matters. The armed forces control key sectors of the economy and hold significant political power, shaping policy decisions and maintaining the government’s grip on power. However, recent divisions within the military have raised questions about its allegiances and future role in Venezuelan politics. The military’s position in Venezuelan politics remains a key factor in the country’s ongoing political crisis.


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