Legislative Oversight: Role of Parliamentary Committees and Checks on Executive Power

Estimated read time 2 min read

Image from BBC

Legislative oversight is a crucial aspect of a functioning democracy, ensuring that the executive branch remains accountable to the legislature and ultimately to the people. In the United Kingdom, parliamentary committees play a key role in scrutinising the actions of the government and holding it to account. This article will explore the role of parliamentary committees in legislative oversight and the checks they provide on executive power.

The Role of Parliamentary Committees

Parliamentary committees are specialised bodies made up of Members of Parliament (MPs) from different political parties. These committees are responsible for examining government policies, administration, and spending in detail. They play a vital role in holding the government to account by scrutinising its actions and decisions.

  • Public Accounts Committee: Examines government expenditure and ensures that public funds are spent efficiently and effectively.
  • Home Affairs Committee: Focuses on issues related to immigration, policing, and national security.
  • Health and Social Care Committee: Examines policies and spending related to healthcare and social services.

Checks on Executive Power

Parliamentary committees act as a check on executive power by investigating government actions and decisions. They have the authority to summon government officials, experts, and stakeholders to provide evidence and answer questions. This scrutiny helps to ensure transparency and accountability in the decision-making process.

  • Example: The Public Accounts Committee uncovered the misuse of public funds in the procurement of personal protective equipment (PPE) during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to reforms in government procurement practices.

Parliamentary committees play a crucial role in legislative oversight by scrutinising government actions and holding the executive branch to account. Through their investigations and inquiries, these committees provide transparency and accountability in the decision-making process, ultimately strengthening democracy and ensuring that the government serves the interests of the people.


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