Tracking Developments in the Israel-Palestine War

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The Impact of International Relations on the Israel-Palestine Conflict

The Israel-Palestine conflict is one of the most enduring and complex conflicts in the world. It has deep historical roots and has been marked by violence, bloodshed, and political stalemates for decades. The conflict revolves around the competing claims of Israelis and Palestinians to the land of Israel, which both groups consider to be their ancestral homeland. The dispute over territory, borders, and sovereignty has led to numerous wars, uprisings, and peace negotiations, all of which have failed to bring about a lasting resolution.

One of the key factors that have shaped the Israel-Palestine conflict is the role of international relations. The conflict has been a focal point of global attention and has drawn the involvement of various international actors, including governments, intergovernmental organisations, and non-governmental organisations. These actors have played a significant role in shaping the dynamics of the conflict and influencing its trajectory.

The United States has traditionally been a key player in the Israel-Palestine conflict, providing diplomatic, economic, and military support to Israel. The US has often been seen as a staunch ally of Israel, which has led to criticism from Palestinians and other Arab states. The US has also played a central role in brokering peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, most notably through the Oslo Accords in the 1990s. However, these efforts have not led to a lasting peace agreement, and the US has faced criticism for its perceived bias towards Israel.

The European Union has also been actively involved in the Israel-Palestine conflict, providing aid to the Palestinians and advocating for a two-state solution. The EU has called for an end to Israeli settlements in the West Bank and has condemned Israeli actions in Gaza. The EU has also supported Palestinian state-building efforts and has called for a negotiated settlement to the conflict based on international law and UN resolutions.

The United Nations has played a central role in the Israel-Palestine conflict, with the General Assembly and Security Council passing numerous resolutions on the issue. The UN has called for an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, the establishment of a Palestinian state, and the right of return for Palestinian refugees. However, these resolutions have often been ignored or vetoed by the US, leading to frustration among Palestinians and their supporters.

International non-governmental organisations, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, have also been active in monitoring and documenting human rights abuses in the Israel-Palestine conflict. These organisations have highlighted the impact of the conflict on civilians, including the destruction of homes, the displacement of populations, and the use of excessive force by Israeli security forces. They have called for accountability for human rights violations and have urged the international community to take action to end the conflict.

International relations have played a significant role in shaping the Israel-Palestine conflict. The involvement of various international actors has influenced the dynamics of the conflict and has had a profound impact on the lives of Israelis and Palestinians. Despite numerous peace efforts and diplomatic initiatives, the conflict remains unresolved, and the suffering of civilians continues. It is clear that a lasting peace agreement will require the concerted efforts of the international community to address the root causes of the conflict and to ensure justice and security for all parties involved.


  • SDJ Journalist
  • Diana T. Figuera Donatti

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