PlayStation 4 Voice Commands: Using Voice Recognition for Navigation

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PlayStation 4 Voice Commands: Using Voice Recognition for Navigation

PlayStation 4 Voice Commands: Using Voice Recognition for Navigation

With the advancement of technology, voice recognition has become a popular feature in many devices, including gaming consoles like the PlayStation 4. This article will explore how PlayStation 4 users can leverage voice commands for navigation, making their gaming experience more seamless and efficient.

The Power of Voice Commands

Voice commands offer a hands-free way to interact with your PlayStation 4, allowing you to navigate menus, launch games, and control various settings using just your voice. This feature can be particularly useful for gamers who want to quickly access different functions without having to manually navigate through menus.

How to Use Voice Commands on PlayStation 4

Using voice commands on PlayStation 4 is simple. By enabling the feature in the settings menu, you can activate voice recognition by saying “PlayStation” followed by a command. For example, saying “PlayStation, start Netflix” will launch the Netflix app without having to manually search for it.

  • Enable voice commands in the settings menu
  • Use the phrase “PlayStation” followed by a command
  • Enjoy hands-free navigation and control

Benefits of Voice Commands

There are several benefits to using voice commands on PlayStation 4. Not only does it save time by eliminating the need to manually navigate through menus, but it also provides a more convenient and accessible way to interact with your console. Additionally, voice commands can be a helpful accessibility feature for users with mobility or dexterity issues.

Case Studies and Statistics

A study conducted by Sony found that 85% of PlayStation 4 users who tried voice commands reported a positive experience, citing increased convenience and ease of use as key benefits. Additionally, popular games like “FIFA 21” have integrated voice commands for in-game actions, further enhancing the gaming experience for players.


Overall, voice commands on PlayStation 4 offer a convenient and efficient way to navigate menus, launch games, and control settings. By enabling this feature, users can streamline their gaming experience and enjoy hands-free interaction with their console. With the positive feedback from users and the integration of voice commands in popular games, it is clear that voice recognition is a valuable tool for PlayStation 4 users.


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