PlayStation 4 Game Demos: Trying Before You Buy

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PlayStation 4 Game Demos: Trying Before You Buy

PlayStation 4 Game Demos: Trying Before You Buy

As a gamer, there’s nothing quite like the excitement of getting your hands on a new game. However, with the cost of games rising, it can be a gamble to purchase a title without knowing if it will truly be worth your time and money. This is where PlayStation 4 game demos come in, allowing players to try before they buy.

The Benefits of Game Demos

Game demos offer several advantages to both players and developers. For players, demos provide a risk-free way to experience a game’s mechanics, graphics, and overall gameplay. This can help them make an informed decision about whether to purchase the full game. On the other hand, developers benefit from demos as they can attract more players to their game and increase sales.

Case Study: “Resident Evil 7: Biohazard”

One notable example of a successful game demo is “Resident Evil 7: Biohazard.” The demo, titled “Beginning Hour,” was released prior to the full game and allowed players to experience a small portion of the game’s eerie atmosphere and gameplay mechanics. This demo generated significant buzz and anticipation for the full game, ultimately leading to increased sales upon release.

How to Access Game Demos on PlayStation 4

Accessing game demos on PlayStation 4 is simple. Players can navigate to the PlayStation Store on their console and search for the demo of the game they are interested in. Once downloaded, they can enjoy a limited portion of the game for free before deciding whether to purchase the full version.

Top PlayStation 4 Game Demos

  • “FIFA 21” Demo
  • “Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales” Demo
  • “Demon’s Souls” Demo


PlayStation 4 game demos offer players a valuable opportunity to try before they buy, helping them make informed decisions about their purchases. By providing a glimpse into a game’s mechanics and gameplay, demos can attract more players and increase sales for developers. With easy access to demos on the PlayStation Store, players can explore a variety of games before committing to a purchase. Ultimately, game demos serve as a win-win for both players and developers in the gaming industry.


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