A Closer Look at the Peruvian Guns Gang’s International Connections

A Closer Look at the Peruvian Guns Gang’s International Connections

The Peruvian Guns Gang has gained notoriety in recent years for its involvement in the illegal arms trade. This criminal organization has managed to establish international connections, allowing them to expand their operations beyond Peru’s borders. In this article, we will delve into the gang’s international connections, exploring how they have managed to forge alliances and the implications of their activities.

1. Connections with Mexican Drug Cartels

The Peruvian Guns Gang has established strong ties with Mexican drug cartels, particularly those involved in the trafficking of narcotics. This partnership allows the gang to supply weapons to the cartels in exchange for drugs, creating a mutually beneficial relationship. The Mexican drug cartels, in turn, benefit from the gang’s expertise in acquiring high-quality firearms.

Case Study: In 2019, a joint operation between Peruvian and Mexican authorities led to the arrest of several members of the Peruvian Guns Gang and the seizure of a large cache of weapons. This operation highlighted the extent of the gang’s connections with Mexican drug cartels.

2. Collaboration with European Criminal Networks

The Peruvian Guns Gang has also managed to establish connections with criminal networks in Europe, particularly in countries such as Spain and Italy. These connections enable the gang to smuggle firearms into Europe, where there is a high demand for illegal weapons. The gang’s ability to exploit loopholes in international trade and transportation systems has facilitated their operations in Europe.

Example: In 2020, Spanish authorities dismantled a network involved in the illegal arms trade, which had direct links to the Peruvian Guns Gang. This case highlighted the gang’s involvement in supplying weapons to criminal organizations operating in Europe.

3. Infiltration of African Conflict Zones

The Peruvian Guns Gang has also expanded its operations to African conflict zones, such as Somalia and Libya. These regions provide a fertile ground for the gang to profit from the sale of weapons to various armed groups involved in ongoing conflicts. The gang’s ability to navigate the complex web of arms trafficking in these regions has allowed them to establish a significant presence.

Statistics: According to a report by the United Nations, the illegal arms trade in Africa has been fueled by criminal organizations like the Peruvian Guns Gang. The report estimates that up to 95% of weapons used in conflicts in Africa are sourced from illicit channels.


The Peruvian Guns Gang’s international connections have enabled them to expand their operations and profit from the illegal arms trade. Their alliances with Mexican drug cartels, collaboration with European criminal networks, and infiltration of African conflict zones have allowed them to establish a global presence. The implications of their activities are far-reaching, contributing to the perpetuation of violence and instability in various regions. Efforts to dismantle these international connections and disrupt the gang’s operations are crucial in combating the illegal arms trade and promoting global security.


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