Travel Trends 2021: What’s Hot in Global Tourism

Estimated read time 2 min read

In 2021, the travel industry is experiencing a significant shift in trends due to the ongoing pandemic and changing consumer preferences. Let’s explore some of the hottest trends shaping global tourism this year.

1. Rise of Domestic Travel

With international travel restrictions in place, many travellers are opting for domestic destinations. Countries like the UK have seen a surge in domestic tourism, with people exploring hidden gems in their own backyard.

  • Example: The Lake District in England has seen a 25% increase in visitors compared to the previous year.

2. Sustainable Tourism

Travellers are becoming more conscious of their environmental impact and are choosing eco-friendly options. Sustainable tourism practices, such as staying in eco-friendly accommodations and supporting local communities, are on the rise.

  • Case Study: The Azores, a group of islands in Portugal, has implemented sustainable tourism initiatives to protect its natural beauty and wildlife.

3. Workstation and Digital Nomadism

As remote work becomes the new norm, many people are combining work with travel. The concept of “workstation” has gained popularity, allowing individuals to work from exotic locations while exploring new cultures.

  • Statistics: According to a survey, 74% of remote workers are interested in taking a workstation in 2021.

4. Wellness Tourism

Health and wellness have taken centre stage in travel trends, with more people seeking rejuvenating experiences. Wellness retreats, spa getaways, and outdoor activities are in high demand as travellers prioritise self-care.

  • Example: Bali, known for its wellness offerings, has seen a surge in bookings for yoga retreats and wellness resorts.

As we navigate through 2021, the travel industry is witnessing a transformation in consumer preferences and behaviours. From domestic travel to sustainable tourism, workstations, and wellness retreats, travellers are embracing new trends that cater to their evolving needs. By staying informed and adapting to these trends, businesses in the travel sector can capitalise on the changing landscape and provide unique experiences to their customers.


  • Miss Mindfulness Learner
  • ©SDJ Art Designer

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